How did you end up at EFI? By chance! My former flat mate from university was working at EFI and needed someone to proofread a document. She called me, I did a test read and was assigned some freelance work for the institute before I was hired in late 1996 as a publications and research assistant. From the very early days on it was clear that my degree in English and editing skills with an intense interest in the production of publications were a winning combo.
What do you do at EFI? I’ve been very lucky to be able to change roles and learn new skills over the years. For a long time I managed EFI’s various publication series and then expanded into website management, project communications and social media, with some event organising to spice up the mix! I’d like to think my strength is resilience. I may not be the most agile communications officer as I ask a lot of questions and like to have a clear roadmap before taking on a task. But I am a firm believer in good planning and regular chats over a cup of coffee – in person, if possible – to ensure a great end result.
What is your favorite tree? Maple in the autumn as the leaves turn red, but also because of the childhood memories of polynoses!
Minna Korhonen Communications Officer